We work with the world leader in technology blogs


Mobile Nations


AndroidCentral, Crackberry, iMore & Windows Central application development


AndroidCentral, Crackberry, iMore & WindowsCentral applications

Mobile Nations entrusts Digio with the maintenance and development of the new functionalities of its mobile applications

Solutions for existing applications

Mobile nations initially reached out to us for an audit and a detailed analysis to check the status of the applications. This led us to detect a series of problems and to propose solutions that would satisfy the client's needs.

Due to the success achieved by our solutions, we were asked continue to work together with Mobile Nations along their evolution, thus delivering new product functionalities including detailed design and implementation. In this context the migration from Java to Kotlin popped up; this allowed to keep the applications up-to-date while enabling the implementation of push notifications through PushWoosh.

Access to quality information anytime, anywhere

Mobile Nations is a Florida-based company that has become the undisputed leader in quality information technology. The applications, whose development and maintenance depend on Digio, are basically readers of the different news formats offered by the platform: text posts, podcasts and youtube videos.

These apps provide access to information at any time and place, in the most logical, simple and appealing way for the user.

Accumulated experience, a guarantee of success

Digio's strong IT development track-record led Mobile Nations, the world leader in technology blogs, to trust us with the maintenance and development of new functionalities for their applications, turning Digio into their de facto mobile development department.